Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ahmadinejad urges girls to marry at 16

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is urging young girls to marry at 16. In his very own words, he says, "We should take the age of marriage for boys to 20 and for girls to about 16 and 17. The marriage age for boys has reached 26 and for girls to 24, and there is no reason for this."

Upon reading his words, a reason as to why the marriage age has raised came to mind. In many countries, it is no longer encouraged to be married at a young age. The reason being is that most married couples will have kids and in the economy today, kids are very expensive. Girls and boys who are under eighteen should still be getting their education completed. It can be noted that in particularly less developed countries, unwanted births are on the rise. Parents of many children are at a young age and have clearly not been fully educated. Why raise lower the marriage age when raising the marriage age is the better option?

In countries like China, the government had issued a One Child policy where each family is allowed one child. The reason is due to the overwhelming population growth. Also, there is the global problem of resources running on low. Even if Iran claims that the country can feed 150 million of its people, early marital statuses should not be encouraged.

According the news article, the Iranian president has sought to raise the country's population. In July, he had inaugurated "a new policy to encourage population growth with financial incentives for every new child born." Critics towards the new policy has pointed out the holes in his plan because there is an estimated 3 million unemployed people of working age in the country, yet the Iranian president is encourage population country in Iran. If the new policy were successful and did indeed spike up population rates, unemployment rates would increase as well. It is not only Iran's problem, but unemployment is all over the world. Therefore, why is Iran seemingly the only country seeking to raise its country's population?



A Picky Eater's Guide said...

When I read the title of your blog the first thought that came into my mind was that who would do such a thing? Urging girls to marry at 16 is just a tad too crazy. If they get married and have kids they will be bad parents because they are just too irresponsible. Sure, anyone can marry but having kids is a entirely different subject. Teenagers are not suppose to have kids because in some sense they are also kids.
I think he has to think clearly before he urges girls to marry at such a young age since many people don't have a job in his country and by raising the population it would probably raise the number of people in poverty.

eira said...

haha, my first thought when I read you're title was "WHAT?!". I personally think this is absurd. To make girls marry at 16... really? Teenagers at 16 are not emotionally mature yet and still lack the capability to sustain themselves. How does anyone possibly expect a 16 year old, to get married, have kids, and raise a family?

Shmikie said...

Great thinking! Economics are a huge reason there has been a demographic shift in ago of parents. Also, think about the education one needs now to land a good job. Even 3yr BAs are beginning to disappear from university programs. Make way for more Masters and PhDs.
On an aside, Ahmadinejad scares me. Almost as much as Kim Jung Il.